Jolly is a little girl with a big energetic personality! She is such a happy pup that always looks like she is smiling!
Jolly is very social and loves to play with all her foster siblings especially her foster brother the cat who she does zoomies with around the table.
At night time she knows it is cuddles time with mum and can be found curled up asleep on her chest which is her favourite place to be unless she manages to get in first for cuddles on mums lap while she works on the computer during the day but that spot is usually taken by big sis.
Jolly also loves to just be carried around like a baby on her back and will also fall asleep in your arms, so if mum ever needs to go out for a bit she likes to come along and see the world before having a nice nap in mum’s arms.
Jolly is a very joyful, happy and beautiful natured little girl and always brings a smile to our faces when we get home with her excited greetings, she will definitely be a wonderful addition to any family.