Meet the Fabulous Frida..a ball of fun. She loves nothing more than play, play and more play!
She loves rough-housing with her siblings, and absolutely adores her big foster brother the Bull Arab. She loves playing with him even more than her siblings.
She gets super excited to see any human and loves lots of cuddles and snuggles.
She is an absolute sweetheart and cute as a button.
Frida is super curious and loves to explore, and finds the resident chickens and ducks absolutely fascinating.
She has spent some one on one time with the resident cats, and is initially wary, but then relaxes around them.
If you think Frida would be a great fit to join your family, don't hesitate. A gorgeous gal like her won't need to wait long for her new family.
Location: Walloon, QLD
Help us take care of Frida