Meet the Fair maiden Fern...such a delicate and precious little princess!
She is very timid and shy at first, but when she feels comfortable, her true beauty shines through.
She may be the smallest of her siblings, but when there is play to be had, she doesn't back down. She has the heart of a lion!
She does love to play, but also takes herself off to just sit and watch with a look of deep contemplation.
She loves to be near her humans, or at least be able to see them, while exploring.
She loves a good cuddle, and is happy to curl up on a lap for a power nap.
She has spent a little time with the resident cats and seems very unperturbed, choosing to ignore them rather than engage.
She absolutely loves to watch the birds...whether it be Quail, chicken, Turkey or duck, she sits, turns her head to the side and watches.
She has an absolutely beautiful soul and will steal your heart once you meet her!
Location: Walloon, QLD
Help us take care of Fern